Determining Evidence Base and Knowledge Translation Opportunities for Health Equity in the Emergency Department: Jennifer Hulme, Kate Hayman, Megan Landes
Chest X-ray for Chest Pain in the ED: Jennifer Bryan, Scott McGilvray
Management of Closed Distal Radius Fractures in the ED: Telisha Smith-Gorvie, Shaun Mehta
Management of Subcutaneous Abscesses in the Emergency Department: Steven Friedman Ahmed Al-Den
Oculomotor Function Testing in Patients who Suffered Concussion: Carmela Tartaglia, Moshe Eizenman, Steven Friedman (EM Lead and Co-I)
Palliative Care in the ED: Erin O'Connor, Juliana Duffy
SCOPE: Gillian Hawker, Noah Ivers, Pauline Pariser, Tara O'Brien, Onil Bhattacharyya, Steven Friedman (EM Lead and Co-I)
Use of Regional Anesthesia in the Emergency Department: Survey of Local Practices: Maxim Ben-Yakov, Steven Friedman, David Wiercigroch
VIRCAN: Jordan Feld, Camelia Capraru, Steven Friedman (EM Lead and Co-I)
Virunga Ranger Training, Handbook & Program Evaluation: Margaret Salmon, Michael Galvin
Building a Comprehensive Addiction Medicine Program of Research at the University Health Network: Jennifer Hulme, Hasan Sheikh, David Wiercigroch, Edward Xie, Patricia Hoyeck
Advocacy writing as Resident Education (AWARE): Kate Hayman, Jennifer Hulme, Connor Lavelle
ADJUST DVT: Jennifer Hulme, Edward Xie
Headstrong: Steven Friedman
5 Alpha AACU evaluation: Lisa Puchalski-Ritchie
BEER- Burden of Alcohol in the ED: Jennifer Hulme, Hasan Sheikh, Eddie Xie, Kurdyak P.
CIHR: (TB, lay caregiver education, Malawi): Lisa Puchalski-Ritchie
Community-Based Misoprostol for the prevention of Post-Partum Hemorrhage: Jennifer Hulme, Hobday K, Hormer C, Belton S, Prata N
Cost-effectiveness USGRA in low resource countries: Addis, Congo. Brazil: Margaret Salmon, Jason Fischer, Jordan Chenkin, CLEAR St. Mikes
Delirium and CT head: Boon Chang, Brian Steinhart, Perly Ng
DNR Discussions: Monika Kapoor, Alanna Wong, Erin O’Connor
Education of Congalese MDs to train Ethiopians in USGRA & Telesimulation: Margaret Salmon
Head Injury Concussion: Firas Al-Rawi
Impact of Ophthalmology Delisting on ED Visits: Paul Ellis, Graham Trope, Jin Yaping
A Multicenter Program to Implement the Canadian C-Spine Rule by Emergency Department Triage Nurses (UHN CoI: Jackie Miller, Dr. Steven Friedman)
IPV Intimate Partner Violence: Nazanin Meshkat, Petra Wildgoose
Needs Assessment Tox Curriculum Addis: Anna Nowacki, Lisa Puchalski-Ritchie, Cheryl Hunchak, Marg Thompson
Predeployment evaluation framework for humanitarian workers: Jennifer Hulme, Kirsten Johnston
Resident Evaluation TUFF online vs Paper: Jennifer Bryan
Sim Research Study; Intubation: Nadia Farooki, Kate Hayman
Spine-Surgery outpatient follow-up: Erin O’Connor, Raja Rampersaud
WCH AACU clinic & UHN ED: Sam Sabbah, Tara O'Brian
US Guided Hematoma Blocks: Maxim Ben Yakov
USGRA Implementation Study in Ethiopia: Margaret Salmon
Helmet-Wearing Practices and Barriers in Toronto Bike-Share Users: a Case-Control Study. PI: Dr. Steven Friedman
Severity of Urban Cycling Injuries and the Relationships with Personal, Route, Trip and Crash characteristics. Co-I: Dr. Steven Friedman
Route Infrastructure and Risk of Injuries to Bicyclists: A Case Crossover Study. CoI: Dr. Steven Friedman
Safe Cycling: How do Risk Perceptions Compare with Observed Risk? Co I: Dr. Steven Friedman
Evaluating the impact of environmental interventions across 2 countries: the International Bikeshare Impacts on Cycling and Collisions Study (IBICCS) Study protocol. Co-I: Dr. Steven Friedman
Comparing the effects of infrastructure on bicycling injury at intersections and non-intersections using a case-crossover design. Co-I Dr. Steven Friedman
Clinical impact of diagnostic imaging discrepancy by radiology trainees in an urban teaching hospital emergency department. PI Dr. Steven Friedman
Incidental Findings of Elevated Random Plasma Glucose in the ED as a Prompt for Outpatient Diabetes Screening. PI Dr. Steven Friedman
Perceptions of Emergency Medicine Residents and Fellows Regarding Competence, Adverse Events, and Reporting to Superiors: A National Survey. PI Dr. Steven Friedman
Non Completion of referrals to outpatient specialty clinics among patients discharged from the ED: A prospective cohort study. PI Dr. Steven Friedman
The design and pilot of a translation ais to help ED clinicians enhance communication with the Portuguese speaking patient. PI Dr. Steven Friedman
Errors, Near Misses, and adverse Events: What can patients tell us? PI Dr. Steven Friedman
Do as I say, not as I do: A survey of public impressions of queue jumping and preferential access. PI Dr. Steven Friedman
Suboptimal reporting of notifiable diseases in the ED: A survey of EP knowledge, practices, and perceived barriers. PI Dr. Steven Friedman
Patients who leave the ED without being seen by a physician: A control matched study. PI Dr. Steven Friedman
Patient comprehension and compliance with ED discharge instructions. PI Dr. Steven Friedman