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  • Determining Evidence Base and Knowledge Translation Opportunities for Health Equity in the Emergency Department: Jennifer Hulme, Kate Hayman, Megan Landes

  • Chest X-ray for Chest Pain in the ED: Jennifer Bryan, Scott McGilvray

  • Management of Closed Distal Radius Fractures in the ED: Telisha Smith-Gorvie, Shaun Mehta

  • Management of Subcutaneous Abscesses in the Emergency Department: Steven Friedman Ahmed Al-Den

  • Oculomotor Function Testing in Patients who Suffered Concussion:  Carmela Tartaglia, Moshe Eizenman, Steven Friedman (EM Lead and Co-I)

  • Palliative Care in the ED: Erin O'Connor, Juliana Duffy 

  • SCOPE: Gillian Hawker, Noah Ivers, Pauline Pariser, Tara O'Brien, Onil Bhattacharyya, Steven Friedman (EM Lead and Co-I) 

  • Use of Regional Anesthesia in the Emergency Department: Survey of Local Practices: Maxim Ben-Yakov, Steven Friedman, David Wiercigroch 

  • VIRCAN: Jordan Feld, Camelia Capraru, Steven Friedman (EM Lead and Co-I)

  • Virunga Ranger Training, Handbook & Program Evaluation: Margaret Salmon, Michael Galvin 

  • Building a Comprehensive Addiction Medicine Program of Research at the University Health Network: Jennifer Hulme, Hasan Sheikh, David Wiercigroch, Edward Xie, Patricia Hoyeck 

  • Advocacy writing as Resident Education (AWARE): Kate Hayman, Jennifer Hulme, Connor Lavelle

  • ADJUST DVT: Jennifer Hulme, Edward Xie 

  • Headstrong: Steven Friedman

  • 5 Alpha AACU evaluation: Lisa Puchalski-Ritchie

  • BEER- Burden of Alcohol in the ED: Jennifer Hulme, Hasan Sheikh, Eddie Xie, Kurdyak P.

  • CIHR: (TB, lay caregiver education, Malawi): Lisa Puchalski-Ritchie

  • Cost-effectiveness USGRA in low resource countries: Addis, Congo. Brazil: Margaret Salmon, Jason Fischer, Jordan Chenkin, CLEAR St. Mikes

  • Delirium and CT head: Boon Chang, Brian Steinhart, Perly Ng

  • DNR Discussions: Monika Kapoor, Alanna Wong, Erin O’Connor

  • Education of Congalese MDs to train Ethiopians in USGRA & Telesimulation: Margaret Salmon

  • Head Injury Concussion: Firas Al-Rawi

  • Impact of Ophthalmology Delisting on ED Visits: Paul Ellis, Graham Trope, Jin Yaping

  • A Multicenter Program to Implement the Canadian C-Spine Rule by Emergency Department Triage Nurses (UHN CoI: Jackie Miller, Dr. Steven Friedman)

  • IPV Intimate Partner Violence: Nazanin Meshkat, Petra Wildgoose

  • Needs Assessment Tox Curriculum Addis: Anna Nowacki, Lisa Puchalski-Ritchie, Cheryl Hunchak, Marg Thompson

  • Predeployment evaluation framework for humanitarian workers: Jennifer Hulme, Kirsten Johnston

  • Resident Evaluation TUFF online vs Paper: Jennifer Bryan

  • Sim Research Study; Intubation: Nadia Farooki, Kate Hayman

  • Spine-Surgery outpatient follow-up: Erin O’Connor, Raja Rampersaud

  • WCH AACU clinic & UHN ED: Sam Sabbah, Tara O'Brian

  • US Guided Hematoma Blocks: Maxim Ben Yakov

  • USGRA Implementation Study in Ethiopia: Margaret Salmon

  • Severity of Urban Cycling Injuries and the Relationships with Personal, Route, Trip and Crash characteristics. Co-I: Dr. Steven Friedman

  • Route Infrastructure and Risk of Injuries to Bicyclists: A Case Crossover Study.  CoI: Dr. Steven Friedman

  • Safe Cycling: How do Risk Perceptions Compare with Observed Risk? Co I: Dr. Steven Friedman

  • Clinical impact of diagnostic imaging discrepancy by radiology trainees in an urban teaching hospital emergency department.  PI Dr. Steven Friedman

  • Incidental Findings of Elevated Random Plasma Glucose in the ED as a Prompt for Outpatient Diabetes Screening.  PI Dr. Steven Friedman

  • Perceptions of Emergency Medicine Residents and Fellows Regarding Competence, Adverse Events, and Reporting to Superiors: A National Survey.  PI Dr. Steven Friedman

  • Non Completion of referrals to outpatient specialty clinics among patients discharged from the ED: A prospective cohort study.  PI Dr. Steven Friedman

  • The design and pilot of a translation ais to help ED clinicians enhance communication with the Portuguese speaking patient.  PI Dr. Steven Friedman

  • Errors, Near Misses, and adverse Events: What can patients tell us?  PI Dr. Steven Friedman

  • Do as I say, not as I do: A survey of public impressions of queue jumping and preferential access. PI Dr. Steven Friedman

  • Suboptimal reporting of notifiable diseases in the ED: A survey of EP knowledge, practices, and perceived barriers. PI Dr. Steven Friedman

  • Patients who leave the ED without being seen by a physician:  A control matched study. PI Dr. Steven Friedman

  • Patient comprehension and compliance with ED discharge instructions. PI Dr. Steven Friedman

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