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El-Baba M, Kent J, Bogoch I, Vose K, Hulme J, and Landes M. "Rapid HIV testing in emergency departments: a paradigm shift." Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine (2023): 1-3.

Lexchin J. Opioid promotion in Canada: a narrative review. Indian Journal of Medical Ethics. Published online on January 23, 2024. DOI: 10.20529/IJME.2024.006

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Lexchin J. Therapeutic value of orphan drugs approved by Health Canada: a cross-sectional study. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2024. DOI: 10.1007/s11606-024-08651-8. 


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Lexchin J. How the pharmaceutical industry uses disinformation to undermind drug price reform. January 9, 2023. The Conversation. View article here:  

McLaren JTT, Meyers HP, Smith SW. Kenichi Harumi Plenary Address at Annual Meeting of the International Society of Computers in Electrocardiology: "What Should ECG Deep Learning Focus on? The diagnosis of acute coronary occlusion!". J Electrocardiol. 2023 Jan-Feb;76:39-44. doi:10.1016/j.jelectrocard.2022.10.010 

Lexchin J. Drug promotion in Canada still lacks meaningful regulation. February 10, 2023. Policy Options. View article here:  

Lexchin J. Potential therapeutic value of new drugs approved in Australia: a retrospective cohort study. Australian Health Review 2023; doi:10.1071/AH22280 

Lexchin J. Expensive drugs for rare diseases: “Canada, we have a problem here”.  HealthcarePapers 2023;21(1):4-8. doi:10.12927/hcpap.2023.27001  

Lexchin J. Complaints about violations of voluntary and pharmaceutical industry-run medicine promotion codes in Canada. International Journal of Social Determinants of Health and Health Services 2023; doi:10.1177/27551938231165158 

Lee SK, Mahl SK, Green JJ, Lexchin J. Multinational pharmaceutical companies shortchange Canada in research and development investments: is it time to pursue other options? Healthcare Policy 2023;18(3):17-24. doi:10.12927/hcpol.2023.27038 

Tenni B, Lexchin J, Phin S, Kittitrakul C, Gleeson D. Lessons from India and Thailand for Cambodia’s future implementation of the TRIPS Agreement for pharmaceutical patents. Journal of World Intellectual Property 2023; doi:10.1111/jwip.12267 

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Lexchin, J. The WHO’s international pandemic treaty: Meaningful public engagement must inform Canada’s negotiations. April 23, 2023. The Conversation. View article here:  

Menkes, D. B., Mintzes, B., & Lexchin, J. (2023). Time for New Zealand to ban direct-toconsumer advertising of prescription medicines. The New Zealand Medical Journal (Online), 136(1575), 7-9. 

Lexchin, J. Health Canada should be transparent about how it's monitoring drug safety. The Conversation. May 4, 2023. View article here:  

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Tenni, B., Lexchin, J., Phin, S., Kittitrakul, C., & Gleeson, D. (2023). Lessons from India and Thailand for Cambodia's future implementation of the TRIPS Agreement for pharmaceutical patents. The Journal of World Intellectual Property. doi: 10.1111/jwip.12267 

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Bryan JM, Beyene T, Kebede S, Kaufman A, Jiru T, Maskalyk J, Landes M, McKnight A, Fremes E, Cheung E, Toronto Addis Ababa Academic Collaboration in Emergency Medicine. (2021). Maintaining a global health partnership during the COVID-19 pandemic: a road map from the Toronto Addis Ababa Academic Collaboration in Emergency Medicine, 23(2): 242-244. doi:10.1007/s43678-021-00083-1.

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Hohl C, Bosychuk R, McRae A, Brooks S, Archambault P, Fok P, Davis P, Landes M...Morrison L. (2021). Development of the Canadian COVID-19 Emergency Department Rapid Reponse Network population-based registry: a methodology study. CMAJ Open, 9 (1). doi: 10.9778/cmajo.20200290

Landes M, van Lettow M, van Oosterhout J, Schouten E, Auld A, Kalua T, Jahn A, Barr BT. (2021). Early post-partum viremia predicts long-term non-suppression of viral load in HIV-positive women on ART in Malawi: Implications for the elimination of infant transmission. Plos One, 16 (3). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0248559.

Lexchin J. (2021). Time to marketing of generic drugs after patent expiration in Canada. JAMA Network Open; 4(3): e211143.  doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.1143

Habibi R, Lexchin J. The COVID-19 vaccination race: why wealthy countries like Canada must do more to help poorer ones get across the finish line. Open Canada. March 9, 2021.  

Ben-Yakov M & James V. (2021). Young man with a diffuse rash and red eyes after recovery from COVID-2019. JACEP Open, 2(2). doi:10.1002/emp2.12404

Lexchin J, Bero LA, Davis C, Gagnon MA. (2021). Commercial influence in health: from transparency to independence. BMJ; 372. doi:/10.1136/bmj.n370 

Ben-Yakov M, Price C, Dharamsi A, Tawadrous D, Choi JM. (2021). Intubator performance and contamination with the use of barrier enclosure devices: Results from a simulated COVID-19 resuscitation. Annals of Work Exposures and Health. doi:10.1093/annweh/wxaa144

Benham JL, Lang R, Bruns KK, MacKean G, Leveille T, McCormack B, Sheikh H...Marshall D. (2021). Attitudes, current behaviors and barriers to public health measures that reduce COVID-19 transmission: A qualitative study to inform public health messaging. PloS one, 16(2), e0246941. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0246941

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