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Dr. Lucas Chartier is an emergency medicine physician at the University Health Network (UHN) emergency department (ED), its founding Director of Quality & Innovation, and now ED Deputy Medical Director. He is also UHN’s inaugural Medical Director of Quality & Safety, where he leads initiatives to improve patient outcomes and reduce adverse events, promote a positive culture of quality, and drive the research/innovation and training/education for quality and safety across the entire enterprise.

Dr. Chartier completed medical school at McGill University and specialty training in emergency medicine at the University of Toronto. He holds a Master of Public Health from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (with a focus in quality improvement, healthcare administration & leadership). He also Chairs the Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians’ QIPS Committee, and he serves as the Lead for Emergency Medicine for the Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network (TC LHIN).

Dr. Chartier’s academic interests reside in building capacity in the fields of quality and safety, as well as the evaluation of the safe and efficient provision of care, including resource appropriateness and ED return visits. He has amassed an extensive publication record on quality and safety initiatives, and he has presented his work internationally. Moreover, he has worked closely and chaired taskforces with Choosing Wisely Canada, Health Quality Ontario, as well as the Ontario Ministry of Health.


  • Quality Improvement

  • Innovation

  • Patient Flow

  • Patient Safety

  • ED Administration

  • Leadership

  • Health Policy

  • Health Services




Dr. Chartier has given over 100 invited talks across the country and the globe on the topics of QI, PS and leadership. The topics he has covered have ranged from specific QI projects completed at UHN, to developing the capacity of QI and quality culture in emergency departments, as well as return visits to the emergency department (including the Ontario Return Visit Quality Program), resource appropriateness (including the Choosing Wisely Canada campaign), and leadership (e.g. change in management, engaging stakeholders, obtaining results). If you would like to hear more about these, contact him at

Read more about Dr. Chartier’s research here: 

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