Joel Lexchin (MSc, MD, CCFP(EM), FCFPC) is an emergency doctor at the University Health Network and teaches health policy at York University. For the past 35 years he has been researching and writing about a wide range of pharmaceutical policy issues including factors that influence how doctors prescribe, the prices of medications, how medications are approved and their safety after they are marketed. Dr. Lexchin is the author or coauthor of over 145 papers on pharmaceutical policy. In the past he has been an advisor to the government of Ontario, various arms of the Canadian government, the World Health Organization, the government of New Zealand and the Australian National Prescribing Service. He is also the author of Drug Therapy for Emergency Physicians published by the Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians.
Global Health
Health Policy
Pharmaceutical Policy
Access to Medicines
Project title: A cross-sectional study of clinical practice guidelines for depression: is guideline quality associated with independence from industry?
Description: To determine whether conflicts of interest confound the validity of clinical practice guidelines for depression.
Team: Lisa Cosgrove (PI), Joel Lexchin, Sheldon Krimsky, Eric Campbell, Harold Bursztajn, Allen Shaughnessy
Status: In development (funded)
Project title: Indications enabled computerized prescriber order entry
Description: To improve HIT prescribing safety by redesigning medication CPOE (computerized prescriber order entry) to incorporate the medication indication into the prescription order
Team: Gordy Schiff (PI), David Bates, Michael Cohen, Tewodros Eguale, Frank Federico, William L. Galanter, Ross Koppel, Bruce Lambert, Adam Landsman, Lucian Leape, Joel Lexchin, Pam Neri, Ali Salazar, Aziz Sheikh, Christine Sinksy, Enrique Seoane Vazquez, Lynn Volk, Adam Wright
Status: In development (funded)
Project title: Adverse drug event reporting in Pharmanet to improve patient safety and inform policy
Description: To improve detection and reporting of ADRs in the emergency department setting
Team: Corinne Hohl (PI), Amy Taylor, Ellen Balka, Jeff Coleman, Joel Lexchin, Boris Sobolev
Status: Ongoing (funded)
Davis C, Lexchin J, Jefferson T, Gotzsche P, McKee M. “Adaptive pathways” to drug authorisation: adapting to industry? BMJ. 2016;354:i4437.
La Rochelle P, Lexchin J, Simonyan D. Analysis of the Drugs Withdrawn from the US Market from 1976 to 2010 for Safety Reasons. Pharmaceutical Medicine. 2016:13.
Lexchin J, Gleeson D. The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement and Pharmaceutical Regulation in Canada and Australia. Int J Health Serv. 2016;46(4):597-613.
Morgan SG, Gagnon MA, Mintzes B, Lexchin J. A Better Prescription: Advice for a National Strategy on Pharmaceutical Policy in Canada. Healthc Policy. 2016;12(1):18-36.
Ronald LA, McGregor MJ, Harrington C, Pollock A, Lexchin J. Observational Evidence of For-Profit Delivery and Inferior Nursing Home Care: When Is There Enough Evidence for Policy Change? PLoS Med.2016;13(4):e1001995.
Shnier A, Lexchin J, Romero M, Brown K. Reporting of financial conflicts of interest in clinical practice guidelines: a case study analysis of guidelines from the Canadian Medical Association Infobase. BMC Health Serv Res.2016;16(a):383.
Read more about Dr. Lexchin’s research here: